Remastered version of the main plotline of Dragonball Z.
Show Details:
Start date: May 2010
End date: Feb 2013
Status: cancelled/ended
Network(s): Nicktoons (US)
Run time: 30 min
Episodes: 98 eps
Genre(s): Animated, Children, Drama, Science Fiction
End date: Feb 2013
Status: cancelled/ended
Network(s): Nicktoons (US)
Run time: 30 min
Episodes: 98 eps
Genre(s): Animated, Children, Drama, Science Fiction
- Colleen Clinkenbeard as Gohan
- Sonny Strait as Krillin
- Monica Rial as Bulma
- Christopher Sabat as Vegeta
- Sean Schemmel as Goku
Episode list from:
TVRage (links if any to TVRage may no longer work)
Original Episode # Prod # Air Date Titles _____ ______ ___________ ___________ ___________________________________________ • Season 1 1 1-01 24/May/10 Prologue to Battle! The Return of Goku! 2 1-02 24/May/10 The Enemy is Goku’s Brother?! The Secret of the Mighty Saiyan Warriors! 3 1-03 25/May/10 A Life or Death Battle! Goku’s and Piccolo’s Desperate Attack! 4 1-04 25/May/10 Run in the Afterlife, Goku! The One Million Mile Snake Way! 5 1-05 26/May/10 Wilderness Survival! A Moonlit Night Awakens Gohan! 6 1-06 26/May/10 The End of Snake Way! King Kai’s Bizarre Test! 7 1-07 27/May/10 The Battle with Ten-Times Gravity! Goku’s Race Against the Clock! 8 1-08 27/May/10 Shenron Appears! The Saiyans Arrive Sooner than Expected! 9 1-09 01/Jun/10 Yamcha’s Struggle! The Terrible Saibamen! 10 1-10 02/Jun/10 Sit Tight, Chiaotzu! Tien’s Screaming Tri-Beam! 11 1-11 03/Jun/10 Will Goku Make it in Time?! Three Hours Until the Battle Resumes! 13 1-13 08/Jun/10 The Power of the Kaio-Ken! Goku vs. Vegeta! 14 1-14 09/Jun/10 An All-Out Kamehame-ha! Vegeta’s Terrible Transformation! 15 1-15 10/Jun/10 Goku on the Ropes! Pin Your Hopes on the Spirit Bomb! 16 1-16 14/Jun/10 Defeat the Invincible Vegeta! Work a Miracle, Gohan! 17 1-17 15/Jun/10 Dawn of a Fierce Battle! The Star of Hope is Piccolo’s Homeland! 18 1-18 16/Jun/10 The Ship Resting in Yunzabit! Time to Blast Off for Planet Namek! 19 1-19 17/Jun/10 A Powerful New Foe! Frieza, Ruler of the Universe! 20 1-20 21/Jun/10 The Rebellion Against Frieza! Vegeta’s Burning Ambition! 21 1-21 22/Jun/10 Protect the Dragon Balls! The Namekians’ All-Out Attack! 22 1-22 23/Jun/10 Dodoria’s Terrifying Chase! A Truth Revealed to Vegeta! 23 1-23 24/Jun/10 Vegeta’s Covert Maneuvers! A Tragic Assault on the Namekians! 24 1-24 28/Jun/10 Friends Reborn! Zarbon’s Hideous Transformation! 25 1-25 29/Jun/10 Power Up, Krillin! Frieza’a Mounting Apprehension! 26 1-26 30/Jun/10 The Scheme is Shattered! Vegeta Strikes Back at Zarbon! 28 1-28 07/Jul/10 The Countdown to Battle Begins! Enter, the Ginyu Force! 29 1-29 08/Jul/10 First Up for the Ginyu Force! Guldo’s Time Freeze! 30 1-30 14/Jul/10 The Nightmare Recoome! Come Out and Play, Vegeta! 31 1-31 15/Jul/10 Goku Arrives at Last! Take Down the Ginyu Force!" 32 1-32 21/Jul/10 The Star Player Appears! Ginyu vs. Goku! 33 1-33 22/Jul/10 Full Power, Goku! Captain Ginyu’s Desperate Attack! 34 1-34 28/Jul/10 Surprise! Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku?! 35 1-35 29/Jul/10 Goku’s Comeback! Call Forth Porunga • Season 2 36 2-01 06/Sep/10 Frieza Closes In! Mighty Porunga, Grant Our Wish! 37 2-02 20/Oct/10 A Nightmare Transformation! Frieza's Power Level: One-Million?! 38 2-03 21/Oct/10 Frieza Bares His Fangs! Gohan's Overwhelming Attack! 39 2-04 27/Oct/10 Piccolo Reborn! Frieza's Second Transformation! 40 2-05 28/Oct/10 Frieza's Final Transformation! The Ultimate Nightmare Begins 43 2-08 10/Nov/10 Goku vs. Frieza! The Super Showdown Begins! 44 2-09 11/Nov/10 A Boundary-Pushing Brawl! Goku, Frieza, and Ginyu Again?! 45 2-10 17/Nov/10 Kaio-ken Times Twenty! An All-Or-Nothing Kamehame-Ha 47 2-12 27/Nov/10 Awaken, Legendary Warrior! Goku the Super Saiyan! 48 2-13 27/Nov/10 The Angry Super Saiyan! Goku Throws Down the Gauntlet! 49 2-14 16/Dec/10 Avenge the Fallen, Goku! Countdown to the Planet's Destruction! 51 2-16 05/Feb/11 Goku's Furious Roar! A Last-Minute Resurrection Wish! 52 2-17 09/Feb/11 Duel on a Vanishing Planet! The Final Showdown! 53 2-18 10/Feb/11 Goku's Final Attack! Countdown to Planet Namek's Destruction! 54 2-19 16/Feb/11 Goku Vanishes Into Space! Welcome Home, Super Warriors! 55 2-20 17/Feb/11 There is Planet Earth, Father! Frieza and King Cold Strike Back! 56 2-21 23/Feb/11 I Will Defeat Frieza! Another Super Saiyan! 59 2-24 08/Mar/11 Undetectable Monsters! The Androids Appear! 61 2-26 10/Mar/11 No Victory for Android 19! Enter Super Vegeta! 62 2-27 16/Mar/11 Piccolo's Assault! Android 20 and the Twisted Future! 63 2-28 17/Mar/11 The Hunt for Doctor Gero! Discover the Hidden Laboratory! 64 2-29 30/May/11 Number 17 and Number 18! The Androids Awaken! 66 2-31 09/Jun/11 The Time For Reunification Has Come! Piccolo's Unshakeable Resolve! 67 2-32 16/Jun/11 Another Time Machine? Bulma Uncovers a Mystery! 68 2-33 23/Jun/11 The Monster Goes Into Motion! Strike of the Super Namekian! 69 2-34 30/Jun/11 I Am Your Brother! The Monster with Goku's Energy! 70 2-35 06/Jul/11 The Dizzying Deception and the Daring Escape! Defeat the Android Cell! 71 2-36 07/Jul/11 The Hunt for Cell is On! Goku, Back in Action! 73 2-38 14/Jul/11 The Super Namekian Powers Up! Piccolo vs. Android 17! 74 2-39 20/Jul/11 Run, Android 17! Piccolo's All-Or-Nothing Struggle! 75 2-40 21/Jul/11 Power Unknown! Android 16 Breaks His Silence! 76 2-41 27/Jul/11 Tien's Desperate Attack! Save Your Friends, Goku! 77 2-42 28/Jul/11 Beyond Super Saiyan! Vegeta Confronts the Monster Cell! 78 2-43 03/Aug/11 Cell on the Verge of Defeat! Krillin, Destroy Android 18! 79 2-44 04/Aug/11 The Battle Turns for the Worst! Cell Attacks Android 18! • Season 3 80 3-01 10/Oct/11 The Tables are Turned! Witness the Power of Perfection! 82 3-03 20/Oct/11 The Strongest Super Saiyan! Trunks' Power Unleashed! 83 3-04 26/Oct/11 Cell Invades the Airwaves! Announcing, "The Cell Games" 86 3-07 03/Nov/11 A New Guardian!; The Return of the Dragon Balls! 87 3-08 09/Nov/11 Hercule Takes the Stage!; The Curtain Rises on the Cell Games 88 3-09 10/Nov/11 Showdown!; Cell vs. Goku! 89 3-10 16/Nov/11 Battle at the Highest Level!; Goku Goes All Out! 90 3-11 17/Nov/11 The Opening Round Is Concluded!; Goku's Moment of Decision! 91 3-12 25/Nov/11 Get Angry, Gohan!; Release Your Hidden Power! 92 3-13 19/Dec/11 Tears For An Android! Gohan's Inner Rage Bursts Forth! 93 3-14 20/Dec/11 Unleash the Warrior Within! Gohan Takes the Offensive! 94 3-15 21/Dec/11 Perfection's End! A Fury, Beyond Super Saiyan! 95 3-16 22/Dec/11 A Hero's Sacrifice! Last Chance to Save the World! 96 3-17 23/Dec/11 Combine Your Strength! The Final Kame-hame-ha! 98 3-19 08/Feb/13 Peace for the Future! The Spirit of Goku is Forever! Other Episodes Special S3 08/Feb/13 The History of Trunks