epguides.com presents


an Episode Guide
by Russell Wodell

Last updated:
Thu, 25 Oct 2018 21:00

Cast Photo
aired from: Mar 2000 to: ___ ____ 20+ eps FOX 30 min stereo closed captioned


  • Chris Titus as Christopher Titus
  • Stacy Keach as Ken Titus, Christopher's father
  • Cynthia Watros as Erin, Chistopher's girlfriend
  • Zack Ward as Dave Titus, Christopher's younger brother
  • David Shatrow as Tommy, Christopher's employee and friend

    recurring characters:

  • Phoenix Forsyth as 10-Year-Old Titus
  • Dylan Capannelli as 5-Year-Old Titus
  • Adams Hicks as 5-Year-Old Dave

    "Christopher Titus lives and works in a small coastal town in northern California. He owns a custom car shop--Titus High Performance--and builds hotrods--which he loves. To stay afloat, the shop also does some collision bodywork--which he hates. His hard-drinking, hard-living father, Ken Titus, was married five times--which means Christopher was raised in five broken homes. His mother, Ken's first wife, was a manic-depressive schizophrenic--which means Christopher was raised by five broken personalities. Titus is dysfunctional, but he's OK with it. He actually thinks it's an advantage, because normal people haven't had enough problems in their lives to know how to handle problems when they arise. Being from a dysfunctional family means that nothing rattles him. Once you've driven your drunken father to your mom's parole hearing...what else is there?

    "Ken Titus is Christopher's dad. He's been divorced five times, and the women have cleaned him out of every time. This is a man who never missed a drink or a joint or a party or a chance to get laid in his life. But he also never missed a day of work or a house payment or a car payment. And he went hungry a couple of times so Titus wouldn't. But he's the most negative human being on the planet. Whenever there is hope, he will kill it. Where self-esteem rears its shiny little head, he will be there to kick it in the testicles. Titus wants nothing more than to impress this man.

    "Dave is Titus' brother from another mother and another father. He came to live with the Titus family when he was five years old. A few years later, when his mom made the inevitable choice to leave Ken, Dave decided to stay with him...which gives you some idea of how scary Dave's mom was. He's an extreme sports junkie--he lives life on the edge. But when personal relationships get too intense, he's the first to bail. He'd rather get an adrenaline rush from jumping out of an airplane than actually experience a real human emotion. He works at Titus's car shop, but when there's an updraft at the Transamerica building, he's outta here.

    "Erin is Titus' smart, energetic and beautiful girlfriend. They knew each other as teens, but they went to a segregated high school--she was in the incredibly-hot-looking-chicks group and he was in the pimple-faced-losers group. Now she's the love of his life, and the first relationship that he's been in that didn't involve the justice system. She works at a job that she hates, hoping that Titus' custom car business will be successful enough for her to go back to school and get an MBA. Although she seems perfect, she does have a temper. But it's a Northern Irish temper. They don't fight she just puts a bomb in his car.

    "Tommy is the only member of the group to have been raised in a loving, stable household, which makes him the black sheep of the Titus team. He's the "normal" guy--the kind who won't plug in a lamp until he's read the instructions, and to whom a raised voice between his parents seems like World War III. When Titus talks about people who can't deal with problems because they've never had any--that's Tommy. But there's nothing that he wouldn't do for Titus. He's smart, over-educated, loyal and trusting--he doesn't stand a chance."

    (FOX promotional materials)

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      1st Season Spring 2000

    1. "Sex With Pudding"
      gs: Lesley Ferra [ Paula ], David Courier [ Jim ], Randy Lowell [ Lewis ], David Bottrell [ Bobby ], Marsha Kramer [ Eva ]

      rc: 5-Year-Old Titus, 10-Year-Old Titus

      "Suspicious that his girlfriend Erin is having an affair, Titus -- backed by pal Tommy and brother Dave -- pay her a surprise visit at work. Not only is she surprised, she's amazed they got past security, since during their last visit there was a fire and Dave was caught on the video monitors stealing office supplies. When Erin is called to a meeting with her boss, the boys ransack her office and discover incriminating evidence: personal emails inviting her to dinner at 'the usual spot' and signed 'Pudding,' and fancy lingerie with a card reading, 'Hi, Sexy. Saw these and thought of you.' Titus confronts Erin, but she tells Titus it's worse than an affair and asks him not to get involved. Tommy finally spills that Erin's being sexually harassed. Before she can say who it is, Titus interrupts her office with a bold threat to the culprit and a challenge for him to come clean. After almost every male employee steps forward to apologize for lascivious behavior, Pudding is revealed. Turns out he is a she...Erin's female boss, who got the mistaken idea that Erin was a lesbian."

      b: 20 Mar 00 pc: 1ADC-01 w: Jack Kenny & Brian Hargrove d: Jeff Melman
    2. "Dad is Dead"
      rc: 10-Year-Old Titus, 5-Year-Old Titus

      "Dave and Titus panic when they realize their dad, Ken, hasn't come out of the bedroom in four days, not even to get a beer. They dare each other to go in the bedroom and make sure...but neither one wants to discover the body. Soon Erin arrives -- just a little peeved that she took the message 'Dad's dead,' to mean her father and rushed to her parents' house, only to catch them having sex. Erin's stunned to hear that Ken's dead, but she's also too chicken to actually investigate. Meanwhile, Titus and Dave reflect on their old man's parenting skills, or lack thereof: Ken never missed a beer or a babe, but he also never missed a little league game or a school function. Erin remembers that Ken recently gave her his will. Could it have been a planned suicide? Terminal illness? They obsess over the possibilities until Tommy arrives, visibly shaken, but with comfort food. The foursome eat their cake, reminisce, and role-play until Ken strolls out in his bathroom, pops open a beer and tells them all to keep it down -- he's trying to sleep."

      b: 27 Mar 00 pc: 1AD4-79 w: Jack Kenny & Brian Hargrove & Chris Titus d: Michael Lessac

      NOTE: This is really the pilot episode.
    3. "Dave Moves Out"


      "Titus explains that screwed up people generally need translators for the 'normal' people, because expressions of dysfunctional love come in odd forms. Case in point: Ken having Dave thrown in jail for grand theft because he took the VCR. Ken didn't know Dave was moving out until all of Dave's stuff was gone. So, Titus explains, by having Dave arrested Ken was just saying how empty the house would feel without him. At the police station, Ken finds out that it was Titus who told Dave to secretly move. Titus is proud of his achievement and admits to packing up the truck with Dave's stuff - and Ken's VCR. As an expression of pride towards his eldest son, Ken has him arrested as an accomplice! Finally, Erin arrives and gets Ken to drop all charges. Then she realizes that with Dave out of the house, Ken will have more time to spend with her and Titus. Titus tries to snowball Dave with a story about how their dad is dying and needs company. Not until Titus promises Dave a new DVD player and television, does Dave agree to move back in. Unfortunately, the cops find a bag of pot in the VCR, which lands Dave right back behind bars!"

      b: 3 Apr 00 pc: 1ADC-06 w: Sally Lapiduss d: Jack Kenny
    4. "The Breakup"
      gs: Sara Downing [ Tiffany ], Eric Rutherford [ Randy ]

      rc: 10-Year-Old Titus

      "'All this happiness is freaking me out,' says Titus. So he finds a way to sabotage his relationship with Erin, as learned at his father's knee. Relationships are the theme for this latest chapter in Christopher Titus' unpredictable world. His philosophy, 'I don't deserve happiness, so how can I destroy it?' A small fight turns into a larger fight and ends when Titus storms out of the house. He drowns his sorrows at the local diner with a piece of pie...and a piece of the cute waitress, Tiffany! The next day, he returns back to Erin and they reconcile. Just as they're about to officially 'make up,' Tiffany calls and Erin explodes. In a desperate attempt to fix things, Titus tells Erin that the waitress looked like her, only younger. Bad move. Titus is saved by the bell when they receive another phone call, from Erin's ex-boyfriend Randy. Seems he and Erin were together the previous night. So, Titus and Erin both had break-up flings. Things should be even, but Titus won't let it go. They have another huge fight that escalates into insults, ugly truths and cruel comparisons between them and their parents. They finally agree that they are both pathetic cheaters and decide to break up for good. As they quietly contemplate this, Titus asks Erin to marry him -- and she accepts."

      b: 10 Apr 00 pc: 1ADC-03 w: Christopher Titus d: Howard Murray
    5. "Titus Integritous"
      gs: Gibson Frazier [ Doug ]


      Dave and Tommy get a chance to override Titus, whose integrity is questioned when he refuses a wealthy customer's request that will mar an otherwise perfect classic car.

      b: 17 Apr 00 pc: 106 w: ______________ d: ______________
    6. "Red Asphalt"


      b: 1 May 00 pc: 108 w: ______________ d: ______________
    7. "Mom's Not Nuts"


      b: 8 May 00 pc: 103 w: ______________ d: ______________
    8. "Intervention"


      b: 15 May 00 pc: 105 w: ______________ d: ______________
    9. "Episode Eleven"


      b: 22 May 00 pc: 1ADC-08 w: ______________ d: ______________

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      2nd Season 2000

    10. "Titus is Dead"


      b: 3 Oct 00 pc: 201 w: ______________ d: ______________
    11. "The Test"


      b: 10 Oct 00 pc: 202 w: ______________ d: ______________
    12. "The Surprise Party"


      b: 17 Oct 00 pc: 203 w: ______________ d: ______________
    13. "What's Up, Hollywood"


      b: 31 Oct 00 pc: 204 w: ______________ d: ______________
    14. "Locking Up Mom"


      b: 14 Nov 00 pc: 206 w: ______________ d: ______________
    15. "The Perfect Thanksgiving"


      b: 21 Nov 00 pc: 205 w: ______________ d: ______________
    16. "Tommy's Girlfriend"


      b: 28 Nov 00 pc: 208 w: ______________ d: ______________
    17. "The Reconciliation"


      b: 5 Dec 00 pc: 207 w: ______________ d: ______________
    18. "The Last Noelle"


      b: 19 Dec 00 pc: 210 w: ______________ d: ______________
    19. "Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!"


      b: 9 Jan 01 pc: 209 w: ______________ d: ______________
    20. "When I Say Jump"


      b: 16 Jan 01 pc: 211 w: ______________ d: ______________
    21. "Episode 27"


      b: 30 Jan 01 pc: 212 w: ______________ d: ______________
    22. "The Smell of Success"


      b: 6 Feb 01 pc: 213 w: ______________ d: ______________
    23. " "


      b: __ ___ __ pc: _________ w: ______________ d: ______________
    24. " "


      b: __ ___ __ pc: _________ w: ______________ d: ______________
    25. " "


      b: __ ___ __ pc: _________ w: ______________ d: ______________
    26. " "


      b: __ ___ __ pc: _________ w: ______________ d: ______________
    27. " "


      b: __ ___ __ pc: _________ w: ______________ d: ______________
    28. " "


      b: __ ___ __ pc: _________ w: ______________ d: ______________
    29. " "


      b: __ ___ __ pc: _________ w: ______________ d: ______________
    30. " "


      b: __ ___ __ pc: _________ w: ______________ d: ______________
    31. " "


      b: __ ___ __ pc: _________ w: ______________ d: ______________

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    The author of the guide can no longer maintain this guide, if you'd like to volunteer to take over please contact djk@epguides.com.

    Disclaimer: We have no connection with the show. We are just providing information, which we hope other fans will find useful. Any corrections, updates or other comments about this guide may be sent to: Russell Wodell rustle49@hotmail.com.
    The home site for this guide is http://epguides.com/.
    This guide may be distributed and copied freely, in its entirety, for personal use. All original author and copyright information must remain intact. Any sales or other uses of this document are expressly forbidden, without the specific consent of the author(s).
    Text Copyright © 2000-2001, Russell Wodell. All rights reserved.
    This page has been accessed times.